Thursday, July 08, 2010

Blueberry tea and a chocolate chip cookie

Today's tea schedule was a bit off because I had a bunch of meetings in the afternoon, then I had to feed the baby, and then the my son said his head was grumpy....well, you get the picture. Chaos. Contained, but chaos nonetheless.

As a result, my tea ended up steeping a bit longer than I intended. Like, 30 minutes longer. But fortunately, that was ok. My Adagio Blueberry tea was still pretty darn tasty. I really like the flavored black teas from this company - they have a nice balance of tea-ness to whatever flavor they are using. In this case, the blueberry flavor was pleasantly understated, even with the serious tannin bite you get when you let tea sit too long (you know that fuzzy feeling that makes you want to scrape your tongue across the roof of your mouth?) Brewed properly, this is a very good tea. And it matches REALLY well with chocolate chip cookies. I had one leftover from my Paradise Bakery run (they give you a FREE chocolate chip cookie when you buy lunch) and it went perfectly with the tea. A lesser cookie would've been overpowered, but this one stood up to the challenge. Try it!

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